Soccer: The Best Sport EVER
Published Sunday, January 23, 2005 by dave | E-mail this post 
Oh man, tonight was our first Intermural soccer game. It was so awesome, even though the other team didn't show up. They took one look at us warming up and ran away! Well...maybe not, but it's a possibility. But, all the players on the team are so great, we stuck around and played for an hour after our hour warm-up. Most of us hadn't played in a long while, but it was still great. Stupid Big Man thinks he can push me around...I did miss two opportunities, but none of us were playing at the top of our games. We decided to stop the game after I got hit in the face with the ball and started bleeding. But the lights were going out anyways. Anywho, just thought I'd share the great game, and hopefully next game we'll have a team to play against!
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