Here's a little something I typed up a few nights ago, to give you an update, as well as two pictures of my place:
So, I’ve finally arrived at my place in London. It feels really weird and really cool to be back. Unfortunately, the IT guys wouldn’t add my computer to the wireless network until Monday, which is probably when this will be posted. So that’s kinda frustrating. But, I’ll survive.
So as I was flying over, I had some time to think about why I was feeling the way I was. I really could not wait to go over and spend three months in Europe without parents. But as the day approached, it was weird. I wasn’t as excited about it. My friends back at Santa Clara were starting their CF training again, which as much as it sucked, I would have loved to go do it again. Then, Michigan wasn’t nearly as bad as I remembered it, and it was great to catch up with friends I hadn’t seen in 8 months.
But, now I’m here. People are arriving, and I can tell it’s gonna be an awesome time. Our flat is crazy, we have 10 guys sharing 4 rooms, 2 bathrooms, and a kitchen. Yah, good times.
Of course, for our first night here, we’re goin out to enjoy the London night life.
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