Hmmm...I really need to take some more pictures. Here's another one I snapped of our kitchen/living room:

But yeah, I should have plenty of time for that tomorrow when I don't have classes! MWaahahahhaha! I just had to rub that in. One of these days I'll get one with me in it, but for now, I'm behind the camera.
So, nothing too exciting happened today. Well, sorta, we have lights in our bathrooms again. They've been out since Saturday I think. So now we don't have to prop the door open when showering and what not. That's gonna be weird...but good.
Lets see, played some soccer today. First time I had played since fracturing/tearing a ligament. Felt awesome, we played up in Hyde Park and got a little pickup game going. We got another game tomorrow, so this will help me get in shape. Not that it's going to be hard, considering I'm walking everywhere, have to go up 4 flights of stairs to get to my room, and am not eating as much as I did before. Stupid expensive food...
Still no wireless in my room...they're reallllllly slow! It's pissing me off, as I have to walk for 10 minutes to check my email. Oh well, soon right? It better be soon...
All for now.
come visit!?? yeah, lemme just grab some money from my "i wish i was a millionaire" bank account and fly over there. anyhoo, looks like you're having fun, miss you mucho. ~Faerie