Why I hate the iPhone
Published Tuesday, January 09, 2007 by dave | E-mail this post 

After taking a few days to digest all the new information about the newly announced iPhone, I have decided that I hate it. I shall discuss.
First of all, it’s not out yet, and won’t be for some time. I know they wanted to announce the phone themselves and not have it show up on Engadgets’ FCC Fridays or something. But still, how very mean of Apple.
Also, as everyone has pointed out, the lack of some newer wireless standards is somewhat disappointing. No 3G, it sucks but I’m sure they will expand the capabilities of the phone as newer versions are released.
The most disappointing feature or aspect to me is the closed standard. No third party apps? How ridiculous is that. I know I shouldn’t be surprised because it is Apple, but still. People get smart phones so that they can be expanded and adapted to each individual users preference.
Next on the list, memory. They have 80GB iPods out there that have drives that should have been put in the iPhone. Why stop at 8GB? Ugh…this is not looking good for Apple.
Then there are other various hardware features that are somewhat annoying. No removable battery? No front facing camera? A touch screen that is just waiting to get scratched to hell? The list goes on…
Yet even with all of these shortcomings, people will still buy the phone by the boatload. As fast as Apple can make them, I’m sure the average consumer will buy them up in a second.
Why do I hate the iPhone? Because I will still get one…
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