Published Saturday, August 20, 2005 by dave. 
After being away for about 8 months, I'm back in Michigan for a few days before I head off to London. It's so crazy being back here...I miss California already. But, this is getting me closer to London, so I'll have to survive.
The last few weeks in Cali were awesome. Finishing up my internship, packing up, and all that. I wasn't able to sell my car, but oh well. I'll have somethin for when I get back there in January, then can sell it at a more relaxed pace.
Other than that, it's just hangin out with friends, gettin ready for London, and workin on my business idea.
More from London.
Published Monday, August 01, 2005 by dave. 
So after spending two weeks in Arizona, I've been working in San Fran for the last week. It's really nice to just take the BART all the way into the city and work from my office. Unfortunately, I have to wake up rather early to make it up there in time. Oh well, good experience right? So this is just a quick update saying that I'm still alive and my internship is going well. I've been spending weekends sleeping and chillin down in Santa Clara. Good times.
Speaking of sleep, I think it's time for some.