Well, as it was so nicely pointed out to me by one of my three avid readers (thanks landypoo...) it has been a while since I updated this thing.
Now that I've finished my undergraduate career, I had some time before starting work so I decided to go to Mexico on an immersion trip to build homes. I went through the same group that I went with a few years ago, only this time I went without anyone from SCU, and for two weeks. I was there as sort of a representative for Amor Ministries, helping out other groups.

These trips never cease to amaze me, on multiple levels. Flocks of people go down to Mexico for a week of camping and to change the lives of so many people. It's great to see that even in todays busy world, people can open their hearts to complete strangers and make such sacrifices. The way these volunteers are received by the families they work with always show the true nature of humanity. These families who have so little give so much. It really does give one pause.
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