Spain and Portugal
Published Wednesday, December 07, 2005 by dave | E-mail this post 
Well, my time with Jon in Europe has come to an end. But it was a very fun end. He flew back to the US yesterday so I'm stuck all alone out here for another week and a half. I did finally make it to a new country though, which I'm rather happy about. We went to Spain and Portugal for his last weekend here. Sleeping on night trains was interesting, but I think I prefer the bed cabins rather than the chairs-that-dont-recline cabins.
So we saw a bunch of cool stuff in a very short period of time. It was kinda cool to get to use my Spanish again, and after a day or two, I was actually having a conversation with some guys we were sharing a sleeper car with. Good times.
We started out in Madrid, then took a night train to Portugal, spent a day there, then night trained it back to Madrid. We had another day in Madrid, then night trained it to Barcelona for two days there. We actually got a 4 star hotel in Barcelona for 60euros for both of us, so it was a little better than a train.
It was quite interesting getting off the train in Portugal (Lisbon) having NO IDEA what to do there, or where we were. We walked out of the train station after having just woken up, and saw big cruise-liners. Now, neither of us knew exactly where in Portugal Lisbon was, but we didn't think it was by the ocean. So that was fun to wake up to. But we got everything figured out, saw all the cool stuff, and ate some really really really sugary things for breakfast.
Alright, so theres the quick update from over here. I'm heading out to class soon, my last "Internship" seminar, thank God. I think it ties for the most pointless class of all time, right up there with "Water=wet?"
Oh, and to the "annonymous" commenter below...holla
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