Alright well it looks like I'm again glad I didn't read any reviews before seeing a movie. Both Domino and Revolver are hated by reviewers. Why? I have no idea...
I guess that's why I don't read reviews. Sure they're helpful sometimes, but I just tend to ignore them. I enjoyed Domino, but Kiera is possibly one of my favorite actresses, so I'm a little biased. One of the reviews I read said that there was no time in the movie to sit back and reflect on what was happening. Obviously! It's not that kind of movie! Sheesh...
In other news, I have the entire flat all to myself this week. It's our break, so everyone is gone. I don't mind at all, it might actually be clean for a little bit. Imagine that...I can't. Leah's coming tomorrow which should be fun. She's never been to Europe, and she's getting to London and Rome, which is awesome. She'll have fun. So I'll have some pictures from our adventure soon enough!
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