Network = teh sucks
Published Monday, October 03, 2005 by dave | E-mail this post 
So sorry about the lack of recent postings. We're having some issues with the wireless in our flat. Obviously it's not fixed yet...I have such low hopes that I'm hoping it'll be done by the weekend. Soooo....that's why.
It was a fairly boring weekend anyways. I had a marketing presentation due today so I had to work on that. A bunch of my friends had gone to Spain as well, so it was nice and quiet. We presented the project today, and all we have left is a final paper in that class. So that's awesome that it's almost done! Still have 3 classes and my internship though...
After my presentation today we went to the British Museum. I didn't bring my camera cause it's almost out of batteries, but I fully intend on going back there and getting some better shots. Here's the entrance:

There's TONS of cool stuff in there, like the Rosetta Stone and basically all the sculptures from the Parthenon. That kinda bugs me...but oh well. Maybe they'll give it back sometime soon. Ha...
Well, I have a lecture in a little, but there's my update.
thats ok Dave. i feel like im the only one that reads this. wtf is wrong with everyone? this is front page news!!