So today was a pretty nice Monday. It started out by getting to go get a tour of the Chelsea Football Club stadium. For my international marketing class, we’re doing projects where we pick some company around London and do a presentation about them. The whole class then gets to go for free. One group chose Chelsea. Chelsea of course being a really good football team over here in London, so that was fun. I totally forgot my camera, or well I remembered it too late, so I could only get this shot with my phone:

On the cool tour where we got to see the dressing rooms, press box, press conference room where they did all their signings (for lots of money), and other interesting things. When we came out of the dressing rooms, they have this sound effect play to make it seem like the stadium is full and we walked out towards the pitch. It was awesome.
After the tour, nothing too amazing happened. Went into the city with a friend to walk around, came back, had a class, and grabbed some food. We went to this Indian restaurant, and I’m rather embarrassed to say that we have been 0 for 2 on good Indian restaurants. The food is usually good, but the service sucks BALLS! AND it’s expensive to boot. Stupid living in the posh area of London…I think everyone around here just hates Americans…
That’s all for now, I have to get some rest before my group’s presentation tomorrow!
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