So we got this awesome letter yesterday, and we of course had to put our feelings on it and post it up in our flat:

Basically, we've apparently been identified as a problem flat, and we'll be having some weekly inspections or something. This is so rediculous. When our "RA" came in and told us about it, she mentioned something about one of us maybe seeing a mouse, when there have been plenty of other flats who have seen mice multiple times. Then she was telling us about how we don't take out our trash. We do, but they don't give us enough trash bags, so it's a bunch of crap. Whatever, I'm over it. Our feelings are expressed quite well, and I hope they see it when they walk through our flat next. Oh, and now that our network is sorta working, they're talking about getting us another 4 WEEKS! Knowing FIE it'll take at least 8, and then we'll be gone. I realize that they just purchased this building because they're expanding, but jeez, maybe they could have done this earlier? That and we had some plumber guys in our building for the last week adding these awesome pipes down the center of the whole house. Ugh...little more than 9 weeks...
Other than that, today was pretty slow. No class, people leaving for their break, but I did get to sit through the Apple media event today. New video iPods!

Apple is gonna get soooo much of my money if they release a new powerbook next week...dang it...the new iTunes is pretty cool, the whole looking through videos is pretty slick. But I just want new Powerbooks!!!
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