teh 1ntern3t!!one!
Published Thursday, October 06, 2005 by dave | E-mail this post 
Well, I don't want to curse it, but it looks like the wireless is working in our building. It's been on more than off today, which is a BIG step. AND skype was working...which is a big plus.
Yesterday, we had our second session of the most pointless lecture ever. We have this bi-weekly lecture to go along with our internship. Sooooo pointless. The teacher isn't really a teacher, so he doesn't really know how to run a class, and the topics are just kind of dumb. I'll muddle through it, but it's so annoying to have to write "reflections" EVERY week about how our job went. Whatever, at least we get credit for this internship, unlike my other two...stupid OMIS...
Other than that, just finishing up on my final paper for my marketing class. FIE is abusing us by making us write up marketing plans for their international expansion. I mean, if they want to go into other countries, don't you think they should get their current programs sorted out first?! Obviously I can't put that in my paper, but that's what I think.
Off to bed...another long day of homework tomorrow. I can't believe our COMM prof. is making us read 5 articles per week. IN-SANE!
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