Celebrity Time!
Published Wednesday, October 19, 2005 by dave | E-mail this post 
So I have my first visitor in town, which means it was sight seeing time for the last two days! We saw sooooo much, it was awesome. The place where we got the best pictures was when we stumbled upon some crazy celebs. HOWEVER, blogger is being dumb and not letting me upload pictures at the moment. But have no fear, it will be worked out I'm sure and then you'll get to see some rather stupid pictures of me...
Currently my guest is down in Rome for a few days, this being her first time to Europe, so she's enjoying other parts than just London. It'll give me a day or two to maybe actually do some homework. I should probably do that...
I cannot believe how clean the flat is right now. It's amazing when there aren't 11 guys messing it all up! Now if only it would stay this way for longer than a week...mmm, yeah dreaming.
Oh! New Powerbooks out today! I will have one in December...I have decided. That is all.
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