argh! and awesome! argsome!
Published Wednesday, March 15, 2006 by dave | E-mail this post 
So my brother is officially a baller. His ballerness is clearly established by his recent article that will be published and is already referenced around the net. He even made it to
slashdot. Clearly, he is superior, as shown by this graph care of googlefight:

But it's really cool, cause I got to find out before everyone ha. From what I understand, the implications will be widespread and very beneficial. Rock on. So all the slashdot commenters can go make stupid comments on other news stories, because my brother is smarter than you.
Sooooo...yeah...I gotta make it in to double digits! Argh!
Anywho, only one day of classes left this quarter! Awesome!
Yeah, some of the Slashdot people can suck it... there were a couple people flaming us who had been in the field 20 years ago, and were criticizing it as though nothing had happened in the field since then. There were some good responses to them, but apparently the mods didn't care.
But anyway, thanks for the post! :-)