Published Sunday, September 17, 2006 by dave. 
Published Saturday, September 16, 2006 by dave. 
The time has finally come when I must leave the working world and return to classes, and textbooks, and professors...
With the end of my fourth internship and the beginning of my senior year, I actually have to start thinking about what to do after school. It's strange having your life presented to you in a folder. OK, well maybe that's a little extreme, but I'm pretty sure that if I start at Deloitte full time, I'll be there for a while. Not that it's a bad thing.
Anywho, enough about that. Today, walking to the gym was more interesting than before because it's freshman move in time. Seeing all the new youngsters walking around looking lost with their parents is just adorable. After having the whole campus be empty for most of the summer it's weird to see so many people around. Oh well, last year!
Published Thursday, September 07, 2006 by dave. 
Well, as my summer internship comes to a close, it's weird to think about being a senior in college. Not that I'll dwell on it too much, I need to get some more sleep before another potentially long day at the office tomorrow.
But one thing that has people apparently up in arms this week outside of my working life is the new news feed on facebook. Holy crap, chill out people. Yes, they should have made it default to not putting every single little thing you do on your feed, but it's not that hard to click the little 'X' to get rid of stuff you don't want people to see. Really, this does make a ton of sense for facebook from a bandwidth perspective. As they grow, more and more users are hitting their servers, and causing quite a load. This makes it easier for us as the user to go check out something new one of our friends is up to rather than hunting through our huge recently updated friends list and then clicking on the friend only to search around for what changed.
< /rant >
Anywho, I'm off to bed. Cool pic of the post: