Published Monday, February 14, 2005 by dave. 
Well, after the...third-or-so worst week of my life, things look to be not as terrible this week. Even though today was valentines day and i'm sitting alone in my room doing homework. Whatever...good things come to those who wait. Right? Hope so...
So, with things looking up, there are still those things that piss me off. IT has officially hosed my connection. I bet they got wind of how much they suck and how I diagnosed problems in 15 seconds that took them days, some of which haven't been resolved yet! Ugh...why can't they give edumacated students unrestricted connections? I'll sign a waiver or whatever...but jeez. Keeping with the technology thing for a sec, I want a new laptop so bad!!!!! It's driving me insane, I went to an Apple store yesterday and played with the new Powerbooks. Soooo sweet. Tiger needs to hurry up and come out. Another PB update would be nice, but I'll take what I can get....soon...
Finally, I think I need a change in my life. It's too mundane now. I used to like the structure and consistensy, but a change would be nice. I was thinking of re-arranging my room just to mix things up. That might be something to do over spring break...hmmm...yah, need a change.
Published Tuesday, February 08, 2005 by dave. 
happy and optimisticness gone
survival mode engaged
must make it to spring break
Published Sunday, February 06, 2005 by dave. 
Alright...I understand that intermural games aren't premiere league games or anything, but I really wish that we could have some legit refs working them. Especially for Division 1 games...I don't care about D2 games, but come on. Whatever...I got to find out that I'm not as much a whimp as I thought I was....physically and mentally. First I "brought down" a big guy and got a PK for the other team. But after I was subed out, I sucked it up and cheered on the team for the remainder of the game. I always hated the pros who just sat down or left the game when they did something like that, so I thought I shouldn't do it either. Oh well, we ended up tieing, but a win would have been so much better.
As we move into week 6 of winter quarter I feel strangely happy and optimistic. Weird...