Published Wednesday, June 29, 2005 by dave. 
...mmmkay, so I'm sure I'll have more stories from different times over the summer, but this one was quite interesting. So it starts out with my usual waking up at 6:30 to be at the client site by 7:45. Work all day and leave a little early to get up to the main office in San Francisco to turn in some paperwork. I park at the BART station around Oakland and go up to the city. Turn in the paperwork, go to an intern dinner, and come back to Oakland. When I get there, I see that the parking garage I parked in closed at 7. After the initial shock of seeing my car behind a nice big locked gate, I read the sign saying that if you parked your car in there after 7, you had to wait until the next business day. Crap, so I start thinking about what I can do. Sleep in the office in San Francisco, take the BART all the way around to the other side of the bay and take a taxi the rest of the way, call a friend to come pick me up. I called 4 people to see if they were free to pick me up, and a fellow intern who had just been on BART with me could come back up and take me back home. After sitting around the station for a while, my friend had gotten close. So as I walk out to find him, I see a security guard. I ask if there is any way to get my car out of the garage tonight. He looks at me as I explain my situation. He asks if I have $12, I reach into my wallet and I have $7. I then remember that I have $5 tucked into my door in my car, so I can get my car out. After going through some crazy alley, through some security doors, I make it to the car, get the $12, and get the security guard to let me out. Now, I'm out and my friend has just made it all the way back up to the station I was at. I remember that I have to pay a toll to get across the San Mateo bridge, $3 I did not have. I asked my friend if he had any money, and no he had no cash. Somehow, we were able to scrap together $2 in quarters and I had another $1 in my car. Wow, alright, so I can get across the bridge, but I had less then an eigth of a tank of gas left. I didn't really want to get gas in Oakland, so I had to try to make it across the bridge. Which I did, stopped to get some gas in San Mateo, and made it home. Quite a day, and it's past my bedtime.
Published Saturday, June 25, 2005 by dave. 
My summer vacation has come and gone already. At least it was a week...a week longer than last summer. But training has been awesome, all of the other interns are so cool. The SF office has the best, no doubt. All the other ones are cool as well, as we were all in Arizona together, which was insane. I never thought training could be so much fun. I can't wait to start the real work on Monday. Having three clients over the summer will be really interesting, especially because they're all in different fields. Soon...so soon...
But yeah, work's off to a good start. More on that later.
Published Monday, June 13, 2005 by dave. 
Yay Geeks!best news ever.
soooo...alot of stuff has gone down since my last update. biggest thing being that i'm now on summer "vacation" and not a CF anymore! My internship starts a week from today and i'm really excited for it. i got all my stuff moved out of the dorm and up to my summer home in san mateo. thats what i'm calling it...my summer home...like i'm some rich guy...
also, i went to tahoe with a group of friends over memorial day weekend, which was amazing. can't wait to go next year! i'll post some pics soon.
my computer died too...i've been so busy it's insane.
so there's the quick update, and i'll write more later. gotta go unpack a bit more.