Published Sunday, November 27, 2005 by dave. 
Alright, so I know it's been a while, but I have good excuses for not updating. Jon and I went to Belgium last weekend which was a blast. We got to stay with one of jon's friends aunt, so that made it 50 times better. What money we saved on breakfast and dinner we spent on beer, waffles, fries, and chocolate. Our lunches weren't very healthy. But we got to see alot, which made it awesome.
After a boring week of work and school, Hilary and Jen came to visit for a few days from Spain. Best weekend ever. It was awesome to see Hilary and meet Jen, who is studying with Hilary in Madrid. We had a great time, saw some cool stuff, and had an amazing thanksgiving dinner (a little late..). Here's us before going out:

woooo! I can upload pictures now sorta! Alright, well I have a project due tomorrow, soooo I should probably get started on that.
Get excited for some pictures of me and Jonny in Spain and Portugal!
Published Tuesday, November 15, 2005 by dave. 
Alright, so Jon has been here for more than a week...and it's awesome. I now believe I can make it until December without smashing someone in the head. We've been to some cool places already, which I'll post pictures of later I'm sure. We made it to Cambridge, Canterbury, Dover, Canary Wharf, and Greenwich last weekend. This weekend we're heading over to Brussels for a bit, so that should be cool. Then next week Hilary comes! Crazy...then the week after that it's December? Sheesh...
So, yeah this is a short update, but I have to continue my slow progress on my essay due in two days.
Published Saturday, November 05, 2005 by dave. 
Alright wow, the last little bit here has been crazy busy. The difference between before break and after is hyyuuuge. Work started, projects are needing to be done, it's just busy. Oh and work sucks btw.
So my parents have been here for the past week, which has been good because they've taken me out to sooo many awesome meals. Also, one of my friends from last summer is here too, so that makes things interesting. A couple days ago we went to Dover, which was pretty cool. Went to the castle, walked along the white cliffs, got drunk on the train ride back...yeah good times.
Even though my parents and Ashley leave today and tomorrow, JON BROWN is coming TOMORROW! Jeez, I still remember talking to him about doing this a few years ago, but now it's gonna happen. Awesome.
Alright, enough of my blathering. Here's where I would put a picture from Dover, but MY NETWORK SUCKS!!!
...6 weeks...