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Well, it's all over now. My internship is done, school is done. Awesome. Now I just get to live it up until I go home. This consisted of shopping and walking around London today. I found some extra travellers cheques, so those are going to good use.

I started packing earler this week and am pretty much done by now. It's kinda funny to look around the flat and see how much stuff my roommates have to pack in a day or less. I'm gonna enjoy watching that hilarity.

Oh, one nerdy thing, theres a website I frequent called digg. There are some dumb people on there, but it's basically a social news site that has some good stories every once in a while. Now that I got JB hooked into it, I figured I'd share what I thought was good here. Click on this button to go to the site to get my RSS feed:

You'll need Firefox or another RSS reader. Just get Firefox, and when you go to that page, you can bookmark my feed.

One more day in Europe...

1 Responses to “Free”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    You're coming home on Sunday! It's almost Sunday in MI! :D 1 hour and it'll be Sunday, then it'll be another 17½ hours or so before I get to see you! Or before you get here... then shortly after that I get to see you. Yay!

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