Published Sunday, June 25, 2006 by dave. 
Whew, alot has happened this week. After moving out of the dorms and into a friends house for a few days (while my apartment was repainted) work started. The new group of interns is acceptable. We shall find out more about them in the next three days down in Scottsdale.
So, after an amazing ikea run yesterday, we actually have some furniture in the apartment! We managed to fit a queen bed frame, queen matress, dresser, side table, kitchen table and four chairs, a tv table, a full bed frame and matress, a desk, a desk chair, a cabinet, and four passengers without taking out any of the seats. Thank you Dad for your master packing abilities.
There's the quick and dirty update. Now it's just getting the last of my stuff over here, and settling in. Of course I'm leaving for three days tomorrow, but oh well...I have an apartment to come back to!
Published Wednesday, June 14, 2006 by dave. 
Oh man...the fact that we're on the front page for this is a little depressing...

I've had friends from across the country messaging me today making fun of our school for this. I'm not sure SCU wanted this kind of publicity. We had a story about this in our school newspaper a while ago, but it had to come out sometime...
In other news, I'm done with school! Work starts on Monday, aaaaand I'm excited.
Published Saturday, June 03, 2006 by dave. 
I can't believe it's June already. It's awesome. School is wrapping up, I just have 4 projects left and two tests. Not terrible...but I should probably get going on them.
I can't believe I'm almost a senior. Sorta strange to think about...the whole not having to go to class anymore. Sure, I still have two quarters left, but that's not too bad. It'll be interesting to see how graduation goes this year, with more people I know graduating.
Oh, I actually know where I'll be living for the next year, which is always good. Turns out I'll be at Park Central, the first apartment I stayed at out here in Cali the summer I worked at eBay. Domicilio is being a bunch of ass hats by opening at least a month later than what they originally said. The d-baggery continues with them raising rents, so we decided to screw that and go to the other side of campus. Whatev, we got a third floor place, so we'll have vaulted ceilings and all that shiznit. It'll be a partay fo sho.
Work starts soon too. I can't wait. Senior Intern. Mwahahhaa....