Published Saturday, July 15, 2006 by dave. 
Alright, well another week of summer has gone by. Work is still cool, and this group is quite fun to work with. Two baseball games coming up, so that'll be fun as well.
I was going to write something intelligent about movies, but I figure I'll leave that for when I'm more awake. I'll just leave you with this fun little quiz I found. I quite like my outcome...
Take the quiz:
What r u gonna be rollin in in 10 years?

McLaren F1
Expensive cars with speed is ur game...this McLaren F1 is ur car
Published Tuesday, July 04, 2006 by dave. 
...soooo, after 7 flights and 4 states in the last 8 days, I'm finally back in my apartment. Work starts back up tomorrow, but that's fine with me. It'll be nice to be on a client for more than a day.
On one of my flights today, I got an awesome idea for a product that would be really useful to people. But, stupid reality hit and even though I had already nearly completed the business plan outline in my head, I knew it would never come to fruition. Kinda annoying...
Anyways, here's a quick snap from my phone of Durango. Nice views: