Published Tuesday, October 26, 2004 by dave. 
Seeings how some people have pointed out that I only do updates of my daily life which I know to be boring I thought I'd spice things up a bit...
It has come to my attention again that I can't win. Not that I don't want to win, or don't desire to be a winner, I just can't actually do it. This was brought to my attention again tonight after playing a good hour or so of dodgeball. I was the last person on my team left a couple times, and I could get out all but the last person. Just that might not seem like a big deal, but there are tons more examples like that. This probably stems back to my desire to be involved in as many things as possible without actually specializing in any certain thing which isn't the greatest idea in the land. I enjoy all the different things I do, but aren't actually super good in any one of them. My hope is that I become a really good manager or something...but we'll see about that. The few times that I actually do win, it doesn't seem to matter. Alex and I won the egg toss during CF training, meh. I was Mr. Xavier last year, meh. I get first place every once in a while playing Halo online, big meh. I don't know...realizing this better change my mentality from "meh" to "I can" or something like that...Maybe I can start by winning myself a girlfriend...hmmm....
Published Tuesday, October 19, 2004 by dave. 
this past weekend was awesome. JB has come and gone, but we had a great time. Got him a tour of eBay, had some good food, went to see a sharks tale with two girls from my dorm, it was great. It sucked on sunday though, as the bad weather from michigan somehow followed him out here and it rained, but it worked out. We both had alot of school work to do so it was probably better that we didn't go up to frisco.
Other than that, school's still going strong. I had an accounting midterm today, so that wasn't cool. Then I have a paper due wednesday, project updates due thursday and friday...ugh. I'm looking forward to the weekend and its only monday. Not a good sign...
But what is a good sign is that i'm going to sleep!
Published Tuesday, October 12, 2004 by dave. 
It seems as though the whole posting everynight thing isn't gonna work. Not only for me but i'd assume that the two people who read this wouldn't want to read the same thing over and over again. Soooo I thought i'd spice it up a bit and have more interesting entries.
This past weekend was pretty fun. First my boss from eBay stopped by and I gave him a tour of the campus which was cool. Then on saturday we had a fundraising carwash for the Mexico trip that we're going on in November. Afterwhich I headed up to San Mateo to have dinner with my fam. It was cool, my uncles remodeling was almost all done and it looks great. He also knows how to cook a mean italian dish that made me soooooo full....it was crazy. I couldn't move it was so good.
Sunday morning started off nice and early with a round of golf. I played alright but I had to use clubs that weren't mine so that wasn't cool. Next time i'll just bring my own.
So those were some interesting things. Jonny's coming soon, so thats awesome as usual. And I'm still getting 100% in my stats class! Booya!
Published Tuesday, October 05, 2004 by dave. 
So today my marathon of CF duty's started...hopefully it won't be that bad having to be on for 4 days straight. I'm just getting them out of the way before midterms and all that. Classes are still goin pretty well...got 100% on my first stats quiz. Hopefully that'll keep up. Aaaaah, well, off to bed
Published Sunday, October 03, 2004 by dave. 
Well, the weekend has come and gone. It actually seemed kinda long this time around. I didn't do a whole lot else this weekend, other than homework and movies. Went to the mall today and bought a shirt. Using up that free gift card money is great. Now, a new week will be starting soon...week 3. Meaning less than two weeks till Jonny gets out here! Alright!
Published Saturday, October 02, 2004 by dave. 
hey, for some reason it didn't post my entry for yesterday...weird. Oh well, it wasn't very interesting. But, I did declare OMIS as my major yesterday, so that was cool. Tonight (friday night) was fun. Went down south to the beach again with 9 other people and had a bonfire. Got back up here and watched a movie. Still need to work on my communication skills...verbally at least...