Well, this quarter is off to an unusually good start. The first week of classes went by, my courses look good, no psycho profs (yet)...all in all a good week. Then this weekend was great, big group goin to Santana row for dinner, then some Scene It! The undergrads beat the grads...good stuff.
The last three days have been spent working on a project for Tony and our business. It's insane how well we work together. Add in our other partner, and we're unstoppable. We have to keep reminding ourselves how unbelievable our situation is: our differing skill sets, the area we're starting this in, and our group dynamics. In-sane. I've been up later the last few nights than I have in a looooooong time, and I feel fine. Guess this means I can totally go a month or so on little sleep getting this business off the ground.
Speaking of the time, it's late and I have class tomorrow. So, my obligatory picture is a sample of how our business cards will look:
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