whew, monday night, and it's awesome. watching scrubs and the office with the other awesome CF's. AND we have no staff meeting tomorrow morning!!! Sooo awesome, as Roey put, it's like a snow day. Now, he's californian so he has no idea, but that's alright. the weekend was long and kinda boring...it was preview weekend, so there were tours and all that so that was kinda fun. there were some cool new kids, so that's exciting.
So I was going to buy "God of War" today for PS2, but then found out it was only 1 player. After that, we went to blockbuster to see if we could rent it, but noooooo, they only had two copies, and they were both out. Gah! stupid blockbuster...

oh well, off to a nice long sleep without a staff meeting.
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