Published Friday, April 28, 2006 by dave. 
Alright, so no DISCOVER group really happened this week, but don't you worry I have other stuff to talk about.
So we had to meet with our advisor to talk about class schedules. Now, I have 4 classes left before I'm done. Not too hard to figure out what to take. The problem is, the OMIS department is sooooo STUPID that they don't offer REQUIRED classes every quarter. I can't believe it. Soooo dumb...
Then, get this. OMIS students are not given credit for internships. I tried to get credit for my first one and was shot-down by the "then" head of the department. Now we have a new head, but he's keeping the policy due to tradition. Does this make any sense?? I really want OMIS to be a good department at this school, but when it's run by these people I don't know if that's possible...
Published Wednesday, April 19, 2006 by dave. 
Well, it's that time again. Time for my weekly DISCOVER group recap. This week we watched a clip from "Beautiful Girls" dealing with someone who's deciding what to do in the future. So, the discussion went on to us talking about where we see ourselves 10 years out of high school, or 7 years from now for me.
I took three paths with this. First, there was the "I wish" path. This was me being an F1 driver livin it up racing around the world. Yeah. Right. That'll happen. The slightly more realistic yet still dreamy side of me wants to be a serial entrepreneur. Again, this probably won't work out. Unfortunately, the practical calculating side of me thinks that I'll be at Deloitte. This is by no means a bad thing, I'm actually quite excited about it. But it's just interesting to see the different paths one can take.
It was brought up that the seemingly smallest decisions can shape the rest of your life without you even knowing it. Lets say you take the stairs rather than taking the elevator and you run into someone who you end up marrying. Crazy.
All in all, I'm excited for the future. Right now I wish it would get here sooner, but I know that I should be enjoying the time that I have right now to the fullest.
Published Monday, April 17, 2006 by dave. 
Now in my possession include a new MacBook Pro and a Subaru. I got to bond with the car on the drive from LA to Santa Clara yesterday. It was quite enjoyable.
Pictures will come after my drooling has subsided.
Published Wednesday, April 05, 2006 by dave. 
There seems to be alot going on for me right now. I'm back in Cali, classes have started, last quarter of my junior year, and very fun things coming up. These fun things include a new laptop, a new cell phone, a new car, and a new place of residence. Crazaaaay.
I'm ready for it all though. Now that the weather is turning nice again (hope it stays) being back in Cali is awesome as usual. My classes seem very interesting, and I hope that won't change. I felt like kind of a nerd yesterday when we got our topics in my OMIS class and I started getting waaaaay too excited.
This summer should be very interesting, too bad I couldn't swing an international internship. Oh well. Here's a preveiew of the upcoming things in my life:

All in good time...