Published Thursday, May 26, 2005 by dave. 
OK, so this cool thing started happening as I started getting in to doing the Jesuit examine each night. I go over my day, and have an opportunity to think deeper about an event or topic from earlier. Sometimes, I actually get myself out of bed and write them down (this being one of those times).
Today during my DISCOVER group, we got into a discussion about races and racism. We talked about how basically everyone is racist whether they know it or not. This didn't surprise me, as I can definitely see that as being true, and I do still believe there is way too much racism in the world. However, I don't think that I am racist, active or passive. I know it may seem awefully high and mighty of me to say that about myself, but I honestly can not think about a time when I have acted in that way and had any truth or conviction behind my actions. Sure I joke about little things, but I see no harm in it when everyone knows how I truely feel about the matter.
I remember a very funny South Park dealing with racism involving a death camp of tolerance. Sorry, that just popped into my head...it's late.
Anyway, back on topic for just a little longer, it still surprises me how much racism is left in the world. When I meet someone, that is one of the last things I would 'judge' someone on. Unless it was some crazy cool person who I've never met, like a Tibetan monk or something. But as I said in our discussion earlier, it just clicked with me tonight that the recruiter who got me interested in Deloitte is African-American. It's things like that which help me believe that I'm not racist. To me, it really does not have any negative effect no matter what race you are. Going to school in London my junior year of high school, there were students from all over the world, yet they were all treated as equals there. It was amazing. My friends from Mauritius had the same opportunities as those from Zambia, Ukrane, England, and everyone else. I think it was a combination of that, and my parents doing the best job of all.
Published Thursday, May 19, 2005 by dave. 
Holy crap, so awesome....words cannot describe how cool it was. But, there is something I must know: did anyone else see the millenium falcon? I can't have been the only one...in the first 10 minutes, when they were docking at Courasant, in the lower right hand corner, it was there! I swear! Soooo cool...didn't find any other interesting stuff. No ET's in the senate this time around. Oh well.
That is all for now...time for some sleepy before stats...ugh
Published Monday, May 16, 2005 by dave. 
Well, this weekend wasn't too bad. Friday afternoon was crazy-brain-dead-time after my big presentation, so that was fun. Saturday was spent sleeping in a little, going to Relay for Life for 3 hours or so, then proceeding to have a nice midwest dinner with Ruth and her friend from back home. Today was catching up on homework and cleaning my room. It had gotten a little messy from the past few crazy days getting ready for Friday. Anywho, yeah, short post but it's time for bed. I'm going to the gym tomorrow morning! FINALLY!!!!
Published Friday, May 13, 2005 by dave. 
Alright, there's waaaaay to much to say, so i'm just gonna get out a couple things:
I started jogging again and will be running over the weekend. It's awesome...my ankle is almost back.
The business that I've started with Tony and Chris just took a huge jump today. We had a meeting with some decision makers at Santa Clara today. Such a good experience. We'll see how things go after they come back to us with their next move. We hadn't even dropped the carrot for them yet. So happy...
Too excited to do homework, I'm so glad it's the weekend.
Published Monday, May 09, 2005 by dave. 
Well, after my long God of War session of a wasted saturday, I had to come back to reality today. It wasn't very fun...this day just kinda sucked...which is bad going into a monday, but i'll live. I kinda got a little cold last thursday or so and it just really sucked today. Add on top of that a few nose bleeds, a general drug-induced haze, crappy weather, homework, and trying to figure out why my desktop computer is being stupid, it wasn't very cool. BUT, whatever. On to another week. I really hope i can get back into the gym soon. It has been faaaar too long, and i've probably lost some ground. GAH!
Anywho, off to bed dreaming about my third car out of college:
Published Sunday, May 08, 2005 by dave. 
Ok, so when I started playing God of War Friday night, I really didn't think that I'd be done by now. 9 hours and 21 minutes is how long it took me to beat the game on normal. Crazy...I seriously think that they need to put a disclamer on the box: WILL TAKE OVER YOUR LIFE UNTIL YOU BEAT THIS GAME!!!! Jeez....that's all I did on Saturday other than eat and play a few games of pool. I'm kinda glad I'm done with it, but now I have to beat it in God mode! Somethin for summer.
Other than that, my foot is healing up nicely. I should be jogging by sometime next week. I reallllly need to get back into the gym, gettin fat over here. Buuut, gotta heal up first. Now, it's off to bed...at 4....again...
In memory of God of War (clicky):
Published Monday, May 02, 2005 by dave. 
So my ankle is healing up. The swelling is almost gone and I'm walking around without the huge boot, which is a huge plus. Now it's just kinda sore feelin, stupid ligament. oh well, this injury has brought me to a realization. Plus thinking more and more about the Jesuit examine that is so cool: realize when your life is good.
The last major event that shocked me into a new state also happened when I thought everything was going so well, but I didn't realize it. Now, this fracture is much less major, thank God, but with the same end I think. I was getting pretty comfortable with how things were going out here. School was alright, nothing super bad happening there, which made me unreceptive to all the good things that were happening. New friends, great weather, the fact that classes were going alright, and so on. Now, especially after trying the examine more often, I am more able to realize such things as they are happening, not after something bad happens to take them away from me. I can only hope that is the correct interpretation of the trials that God puts me through. Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger I guess.
If anyone wants to hear about the examine, let me know. It's pretty cool.
What are you waiting for? Something amazing? Amazingly bad?

Take it from me, don't. Enjoy all that's going on in your life, big and small.