Published Monday, February 20, 2006 by dave. 
If you've known me for a little while, you'll know that most things don't bug me. This goes along with my easy-going-ness I guess, but is it a good thing?
I don't know. Do I care that I didn't do too well on my midterms? Yeah, but it's not like I'm failing. Do I care that I didn't get ARD for next year? Sure, until I remember I made the yearly stipend in two paychecks last summer. Do I care that some of my new residents talk shit about me on facebook? Not really, now I won't feel as bad about documenting them.
I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing. I'm sure that if something happened that I should care about I would, but I just don't know what that would be. Oh well.
Anywho...moving on, I thought of some cool thing that will help me get ideas for things to talk about. If you've seen the Family Guy movie, then you'll remember the segment Peter got on the news: What really grinds my gears. Well, since I don't think I'd be very good at ranting, how about what really turns my gears. I'm in college so I'm supposed to be having thought provoking ideas thrown at me on a daily basis, which I usually do. Now I'll just get to write them down. We'll see how this works out.
Published Sunday, February 19, 2006 by dave. 
Alright, as I've been spending some time working on my company website, I figured I could practice a little bit with this one. Nothing amazing yet, but there are still two days left in this three day weekend. I'm sure I'll get around to more.
Nothin much is happenin over here though. I'd write some deep stuff but my brain is pretty dead...and hurting...so I think I'll just go to sleep.
Published Monday, February 13, 2006 by dave. 
Alright, after being bugged about not having posted last night about my DISCOVER group, I'm finally getting around to it. So, here ya go.
Last night we watched the trailer for "American Beauty" to start off our meeting. There were images of a "typical" neighborhood, with the white fences and all that. Then as the trailer progessed it kept getting more in depth in the lives of the residesnts. Basically, while everything may look nice on the surface, there's always more going on if you look closer.
Relating this to reality, I find that it's pretty true. We all have so much going on these days we rarely take the time to look closer at anything, even our own friends in some extreme cases. The Jesuits have this cool idea where you sit down once a day and replay the day thining about good things and bad things that happened. Taking this time to reflect is quite helpful when looking closer. You may have noticed something odd but didn't have the time to think more about it when it happened. Going through your day you'll remember this and have more time to actually think about it. I dunno, I do it sometimes and find it quite interesting.
Anyways, that's what we talked about. I still have some other things to write about but I don't have time right now.
Published Tuesday, February 07, 2006 by dave. 
I had planned to post something of substance today proving that I do think outside of my DISCOVER meetings. I was going to post about a topic that came up in my Business and Public Policy class about how the majority is not represented properly in the US. Unfortunately I got sidetracked with all the cool things online! First I toyed around with some settings on my feedburner account, then I got a del.icio.us account, and finally I set up an Odeo podcast that I can create from my phone. Pretty darn cool if you ask me. So, I'll just have to explain all of those and save the deep thinking stuff for tomorrow.
First of all, if you hadn't noticed, there's a little icon over on the right that looks like this:

This is a link to my RSS feed for my blog. If you want to subscribe to it, it's real simple. Either have a browser like
Firefox (or Safari) that can bookmark feeds. It's really cool, and a lot of other sites are putting up feeds as well. If you want some clients, I use
FeedDemon on my PC and
NetNewsWire on my Powerbook. Both very good programs, I think. So that's that.
del.icio.us is a new site that allows you to mark stuff on the web that you think is cool. Since I'm just getting started with it, I'll wait to post the link to my profile. Just wanted to throw it out there.
Finally, probably the coolest thing I did today. A service called Odeo helps people set up their podcasts. I got in on their create test and set up an account. I can call a number, record a message, and it gets turned in to a podcast! I think it's cool. Anyways, there's a little podcast graphic over on the right, so if you want, copy the feed and subscribe to it in iTunes. I'm just trying it out so don't expect anything amazing...yet...
Published Monday, February 06, 2006 by dave. 
Another week, another DISCOVER group meeting. Strange, I do alot more thinking than people might believe outside of these meetings, but they just tend to stick with me when I discuss them with other people rather than just myself. I'm probably gonna start posting other stuff as well, but here's something I know I can write about.
This week we watched a clip from "The Legend of Bagger Vance" when Will Smith was telling Matt Damon about "seeing the field". We then talked about how seeing the field can relate to our own lives. Most members viewed seeing the field as looking ahead and planning for what is coming. The time periods ranged from to the end of the day, to graduation. There were todo's and decisions galore. Somehow, mine were different. I didn't see the pin at the end of the field as graduation, I saw it as accomplishing the lifestyle I wanted. The strokes getting to the pin were graduating college, getting a job, finding someone, etc. This probably points to my tendency to look too far in the future, but oh well.
Heh, one funny part was when we were asked if we knew anyone who already saw the field. I immediately thought of my brother who is doing what loves already. Oh well, he's three years older than me, so maybe I'll be happier three years from now.