Published Thursday, March 31, 2005 by dave. 
So I've found out that I feel much more compelled to type and do homework involving a computer from my new laptop on my couch. This might actually mean I'll post stuff every day! Gasp! This might mean I'll have to come up with interesting things to write about, rather than just talking about the usual crap that happens in my everyday life...
Well, I'll get the boring stuff out of the way first. Today wasn't all bad, but I did spend the better part of the afternoon filling out forms for the NCAA again. Just like last year, I'm signing up with the girls soccer team to give them a practice team. All us guys have to become NCAA athletes so that the team doesn't get into trouble playing games against un-qualified people. Cool part: NCAA athlete status and priority registration. Bad part: people always ask why I'm on the girls soccer team and I won't be here next fall to take advantage of the early registration. But it doesn't really matter because it's so much fun anyways.
I've noticed that now more than last quarter my thoughts in class have drifted to the business I intend to start. Today in marketing we were talking about what makes a successful company: good marketing and those methods. Obviously you need a good product, but there have been plenty of crappy products that people buy due to good marketing (Bose for example). I definitely think that being in all these classes at the time of starting a company will only allow us to reach higher heights.
TIGER WENT GOLD!!!!My new powerbook is one step closer...I wonder if I can last until the end of the summer. This one is nice, but having the newer, backlit-keyboard, twice-as-fast goodness would be nice. I bet I can make it, especially with Deloitte giving me one over the summer. Oh man, it'll be soooo awesome to outfit our office with G5 towers and cinema displays as far as the eye can see....
I was trying to find some cool random photo to share, but my search ended with this classic:
Published Wednesday, March 30, 2005 by dave. 
I had my other two classes today. My OMIS class started out well, the professor told everyone that the class was really hard and shouldn't leave it until the end of senior year. I think she was implying that we'd fail so we should give ourselves extra time to take it again. Personally, I'm not too scared of this class, especially considering how today went: intro to computers and UNIX. Obviously it should pick up, but I fully intend on only taking this class once.
Then I got to go to my entrepreneurship class. Apparently there was a class that you were supposed to take before this one, but I didn't. So I'm hoping the teacher doesn't discover this half way through the quarter. Either way I'm glad I'm in the class, but it'd be nice to get those 5 units of credit.
Also, my new powerbook battery arrived today! After my brother destroyed the one he'd had in here, I figured I'd have to get a new one. Not that I blame him, it's a 4 year old computer, but I need more than 30 minutes of battery. In fact, on a full charge, I get 6 hours!!!

Ok, so it went down to like 4.5 hours a second later, but hey I can dream!
So someone asked me today why I was so excited for my entrepreneurship class. The answer is that I, along with some friends, intend to start a company. The timing couldn't have been better, as my other two partners will have more free time as I get further into the course. This isn't some 12 year-olds dream about starting up an online card shop (yes, that was me a while ago). Oooooh no, this is happening! The three of us are very determined to get this thing off the ground. So you might be reading more about it as time goes on. It might even get a page of its own! Who knows!
But now, it's back to some boring marketing reading...
Published Monday, March 28, 2005 by dave. 
what's this? Dave writing two entries within a week? What is going on?!?! Yeah, get used to it.
Everyone is showing up at the dorm again...it's alive again! I'll miss having the bathroom all to myself, but oh well. It's great seeing everyone again. Everyone seems to have had a good break and look ready for the last quarter of this year.
I'm so excited for this quarter. Not only is it the last one of the year, meaning there is only 11 weeks until summer and Deloitte, but I have some really interesting classes. BUSN 144, entrepreneurship, is going to be amazing. I have already started reading a book for it, i'm that excited. It couldn't have come at a better time either, for reasons I will get into later...
So, off to a new quarter!
Published Saturday, March 26, 2005 by dave. 
Well, after a wonderful 5 days in Palm Springs, or old people's town as it turned out, I'm back at school. It's really empty, like CF training, but it's good. Haven't ended up changing my room around, so I dunno if that'll actually happen. But I did get to buy some new clothes for my internship this summer, which was nice. gooooo brooks brothers!
On a sadder note, I have a friend going through some relationship problems and it always hurts me to see her or anyone in that kind of pain. It also makes me think about how what i've been through, death and splitting up, has destroyed some emotions. Or at least made them less deep. But that's something that I'm definitely ready to get over, just have to find someone...
Bouncing back to a happy topic, only 11 weeks until summer and a new job! Can't wait...
Published Wednesday, March 16, 2005 by dave. 
Jeez, it's been a while since I've posted here...I need to change that. Anywho, tons of stuff has gone down since the last writing. The most exciting of which would be that I now know what I'll be doing this summer: staying out in Cali again working at Deloitte. I'm SOOOOOOOOOO excited for this internship. Not too much of a pay raise, $1/hr, but I'll be doing completely different work from eBay, which will be interesting. Going to client sites every day, pretending to be a Bob from Office Space...oh yeah, good times. This summer is gonna rock. I can't wait.
Lets see...what else...well, my London plans are coming together, as well as where I'll be living when I get back. I'm on a wait list for rooms in Casa, well two wait lists, but I hope I get a spot.
Finals are almost over, one more left. Then it's Palm Springs for 4 days! Then back to the grind stone of spring quarter. Oh well...could be worse.
Nothing too deep to report lately. I'm workin on it tho...we'll see how things unfold before and after break. That's all for now.