Published Wednesday, April 27, 2005 by dave. 
The only bad thing about quarters: friends back home are already done with school and are basking in the glory of that which is summer. I'm still stuck studying for midterms! Sooooo not fair...
Physical therapy is fun. My trainer loves to inflict pain, which i guess could be a good thing. The swelling has moved from the dark purple to the green and yellow stage, which is great for getting stares in the training room. It always seems like the soccer team is in there when I am, so it works out. Even they were calling me hardcore and such after seeing the foot. Oh yeah, rock on.
My latest slew of technical gadgets has arrived, which I am most proud of. I finally got the digital camera i've longed for during the past 3 years, a 2GB microdrive to go along with it, and a bluetooth headset for my cell phone. I'm a happy little geek right now...watch my
deviantART page for new pics. For now, it's off to homework!
To all you lucky friends of mine who are done with school: grrrrr
Finally, for my pic of the post, if you think
I have too many computers,
check this out
Published Monday, April 25, 2005 by dave. 
Alright, after going to sports medicine this morning, it turns out that I don't have a broken ankle! Just a fractured one with a bad ligament tear and something of a messed up calf...much better.
Getting to class this week will be fun.
So I spent most of the weekend with my foot up, helped out by some awesome people. Now, I was gonna post a rather cool picture of my ankle, but since SOMEBODY gets woosy every time I talk about it, I'll just put up another funny pic. Later.
Published Tuesday, April 19, 2005 by dave. 
hey, i found this really cool website that does some pretty neat things:
Check it out!..ok, so I made it in 2 hours, give me a break! This was kind of a side-thought after working on the project with Tony, and some people asking for my services. Paying people, which then spawned the idea. Get a couple big projects, buy a new powermac, ya know. But hey, if anyone sends me a customer who wants me to do work for them earns a referral check! That's money in your pocket! $$$$
Man, I'm tired...here's your picture: our future flying cars?
Published Sunday, April 17, 2005 by dave. 
So it's that time of year again when the parents of the sophomores/juniors invade our campus. It hasn't been all bad, I just had a nice dinner with an awesome group, so that was good. But, this is gonna be a really short entry. I have to wake up tomorrow morning and drive up to San Mateo for my cousins first communion. Oh well, get to spend some more time with the extended family which is always good.
For my pic tonight, I took a "Which OS are you?" quiz, luckily I wasn't any windows system. Not too bad:

Which OS are You?maybe this means I should try FreeBSD on this computer...hmmmm.....
Published Wednesday, April 13, 2005 by dave. 
So, yet another good day today. it's nice to have a string of these in a row. Well, it wasn't ALL good, but overall it was a good day. Didn't have to wake up for a staff meeting, had a class canceled, mailed my taxes, set up the
SCUnderground, found a cool big bro, played some soccer....yeah, that's pretty much it.
I didn't really get to sleep in that much, but a little. OOOH OOOH AND TIGER IS COMING OUT THIS MONTH!!!!! That'll be amazing...now I just have to decide if I want to upgrade my current powerbook or just wait until I get my new one. It will be a while tho....3-4 months...I don't think I can live that long without the dashboard...
I actually got to spend some quality time with Zozos today, which was good. I only really saw him at Ruff Rider things or in passing, so to find some common interests was good. Now that I know Hilary, it's nice to know Zozos more.
So, now to sleep for a better day tomorrow! Go check out
Published Tuesday, April 12, 2005 by dave. 
whew, monday night, and it's awesome. watching scrubs and the office with the other awesome CF's. AND we have no staff meeting tomorrow morning!!! Sooo awesome, as Roey put, it's like a snow day. Now, he's californian so he has no idea, but that's alright. the weekend was long and kinda boring...it was preview weekend, so there were tours and all that so that was kinda fun. there were some cool new kids, so that's exciting.
So I was going to buy "God of War" today for PS2, but then found out it was only 1 player. After that, we went to blockbuster to see if we could rent it, but noooooo, they only had two copies, and they were both out. Gah! stupid blockbuster...

oh well, off to a nice long sleep without a staff meeting.
Published Friday, April 08, 2005 by dave. 
So today was amazing...maybe that's why I'm still up. It started out rather early with stats class, which isn't fun, but then my new backpack came in and it rocks! I'll be posting a review of it shortly cause it's that cool. After that, marketing and then done for the day. This afternoon was our first game against the woman's soccer team this year. It was so awesome last year, but today I got to play with a 2 time gold-medalist, Brandi Chastain. So much fun, and I'm so sore....awesome...
Fortunately, I had my camera phone all set to go when Brandi scored a goal:

...ok fine not really, but that's her.
After soccer I got to go out to dinner with a friend whom I hadn't seen in a while, so that was good to catch up. Came back to school and finished the crazy project I've been doing with Tony for his parents 25th anniversary. He's so getting "the son of the year" award this year...so go Tony! It's an awesome slideshow that will make his parents cry, which is the desired effect.
So after a rather good day, it's off to bed for Friday!
Published Wednesday, April 06, 2005 by dave. 
ugh, it's 3am...time for sleepy. All these late nights are getting me excited for starting a business...is that weird?
Published Monday, April 04, 2005 by dave. 
Well, this quarter is off to an unusually good start. The first week of classes went by, my courses look good, no psycho profs (yet)...all in all a good week. Then this weekend was great, big group goin to Santana row for dinner, then some Scene It! The undergrads beat the grads...good stuff.
The last three days have been spent working on a project for Tony and our business. It's insane how well we work together. Add in our other partner, and we're unstoppable. We have to keep reminding ourselves how unbelievable our situation is: our differing skill sets, the area we're starting this in, and our group dynamics. In-sane. I've been up later the last few nights than I have in a looooooong time, and I feel fine. Guess this means I can totally go a month or so on little sleep getting this business off the ground.
Speaking of the time, it's late and I have class tomorrow. So, my obligatory picture is a sample of how our business cards will look: