Published Thursday, March 30, 2006 by dave. 
Well, I'm more than half way through spring break. While it's been nice being home for a bit, it would have been nicer if I could have slept more. Between doctors appointments, and my mom bugging me to help clean out the basement, there hasn't been too much of that. Oh well.
I got a temporary reprive from all that yesterday when I went test driving cars. Having sold my Audi, it's time for a new one. While visiting my good friends at the BMW/Porsche/Audi dealership, I got to drive one of these little devils:

Brand new Cayman S, just came out this year. Not only did they let me take it out all by myself, but I had it for a good half hour. It was amazing...sounded so beautiful...
But back to cars that I'll actually be buying soon, it was nice to test drive a Subaru, as I had never driven one before. So, while the Porsche was amazing, I figure it might be better to start out with something that won't have me paying it off for the next 10 years...
Finally, it was nice getting my taxes done yesterday cause I got another refund coming! It's always nice getting money back from the government...it's like another paycheck!
Published Sunday, March 26, 2006 by dave. 
So flying back home yesterday allowed me to have another look at the sky mall catalogue which is in every seat pocket on the dam plane. Now, I'm guessing most of you have had a look through this excellent piece of plane reading material. I just can’t believe what kind of person would buy the stuff they have for sale! Honestly, who needs a $125 batman ring, or a fake boulder to cover up those unsightly pvc pipes in your back yard? Seriously, the most useless shit ever. However, I think I might have found something that I could see as being useful. Now, I’m sure they have them in other places, but this just reminded me of the necessity of such a device. A heated, mp3 playing shower mirror. I’ve tried shaving in the shower before, it’s awesome, but you always miss spots. Now, having a mirror that won’t fog up AND plays music is awesome. Dam you sky mall!
Published Saturday, March 25, 2006 by dave. 
Wow, so now that I'm packing up ready to go home, i have a few things that I feel like I have to rant about, but I'll start with just one. In one of my classes we were doing project presentations. Nearly everyone used powerpoint to "assist" with their presentation, but nearly everyone was terrible! I really don't understand how you can be this far in life and still not grasp the conecpt of a presentation. Not being able to use a computer and understand what's going on with it is a WHOLE other story. But powerpoint?! Come on...Is it just me or is filling up your slides with text and reading straight off of it just about the worst way to possibly present? I really hope they get it before they graduate so that Santa Clara's reputation doesn't drop like a rock...
ANYWAYS, I'm really glad the quarter is over. Now for a week of rest at home. Should be enjoyable, minus the whole snow thing...
Finally, here's something funny Roey and I found at best buy yesterday:
Published Tuesday, March 21, 2006 by dave. 

Well...sorta. I had a chance to talk with a consultant before an interview last week who is working at Sony. Apparently they have shipped out a huge batch of PS3's from the office in California to Japan ready for blu-ray drives. Other than that they're all done, cell processors and all. Interesting...
Published Friday, March 17, 2006 by dave. 
Well, after a rather busy last two days, things are finally settling down to just the usual hell before finals. At least I had this amusing thing in my inbox (adapted by me):

So that made me laugh. Other than that my second round accenture interview went well, I think. And Deloitte is checking to see if they have any international opportunities for interns this summer, which would rock my socks off. We'll see where that goes...
But now, it's time for the weekend.
Published Wednesday, March 15, 2006 by dave. 
So my brother is officially a baller. His ballerness is clearly established by his recent article that will be published and is already referenced around the net. He even made it to
slashdot. Clearly, he is superior, as shown by this graph care of googlefight:

But it's really cool, cause I got to find out before everyone else...so ha. From what I understand, the implications will be widespread and very beneficial. Rock on. So all the slashdot commenters can go make stupid comments on other news stories, because my brother is smarter than you.
Sooooo...yeah...I gotta make it in to double digits! Argh!
Anywho, only one day of classes left this quarter! Awesome!
Published Saturday, March 11, 2006 by dave. 
So after watching Saw II one night, I've decided it is quite disturbing. But awesome at the same time. So if you want to see someone get tossed into a pit full of used needles, watch this movie.
Moving on to a slightly happier topic, I've been messing around with my website and have some cool stuff up there now. If you're bored and want to check it out, goto http://www.redheadfred.net/cs it's coooooool...
Finally, dead week is next week, meaning I have two final papers and a final. It is also my birthday next week...ugh...
Published Tuesday, March 07, 2006 by dave. 
So I get a call this morning right after I get out of the shower, and it's Accenture wanting to do a quick phone interview to see if they want to call me in for the full thing. It caught me a little off guard, but they want to see me monday anyways. Cool.
I'm really having trouble trying to figure out what I want to do this summer. Deloitte was awesome last summer, and I'm sure I'd have a great time there again. But, there's always wanting to try something else. Obviously if nothing else comes up, I'll have that great time at Deloitte, but I'm pretty sure I need to decide that soon. Argh...
Also, while trying to figure out where to live this summer and next year, I have a few options:
Domicilio which is cool, new, and right across the street from campus.
Santana Row ...crazy expensive, a little bit aways from campus, but friggen cool.
Or some place boring like Park Central. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.....anyone need a roommate?
Nothing else too exciting going on. Although I did hear quite a funny joke: Brokeback Mountain...the first western movie where the good guy gets it in the end.