Published Friday, September 30, 2005 by dave. 
Alright, I know it's been a few days, but yeah...I've been kinda busy. This week was fun though, as I finally got to go see where I'll be interning. I'm not sure if the people at FIE are dumb or just don't know any better. The place where I'll be working for a month and a half is realllllly sketchy. It's 5 guys in half of the top floor of a warehouse on the east side of London. Ugh...they're having me dig through a 17 year old database, and generate content for their webpage, which they know to be terrible. BUT I got them to agree to buy me lunch every day, so I guess that's somethin...but dam. I miss Deloitte and eBay very much...
So after my interview, I came back and we decided we needed to go out. None of us really had anything to do today, so it was perfect. We headed over to the local university and checked out their pub. It was cool, met some ladies, but then left for precious hard A. I know, bad idea to go beer then hard A, but my iron stomach handled it just fine. There's a sports bar near Picadilly Circus that sells PITCHERS of Long Island Iced Tea for 7 pounds. so it was pretty much 3/4 alcohol and a little bit of tea and such. Sooooo good...we got two. After we ordered the first one, everyone else at the bar ordered one. It was awesome. Here's how cool it was:

After that we headed back around 2 or so and yeah...good times...although waking up at 10 this morning wasn't the best idea. It had to be done. But I'll be doing homework allllll day tomorrow. Drat.
Published Monday, September 26, 2005 by dave. 
Right, so I got another multi-picture post here...cause I finally started taking more pictures. Hope you enjoy.
This morning I got to go to the London Eye with my marketing class because a group is doing a project on it. I've been on it twice before, but it's always fun to go again, especially when it's free. Plus it was a really nice day so we got some good views. In case any of you don't know, the London Eye is basically a really big ferris/observation wheel that's right along the river Thames in London. It's pretty cool. Here's what it looks like from up top, and those are the capsules that you go around in:

After that, I had two more classes. Mondays suck for me...but it's over now, so it's alright. But I had to snap this picture of our sink because I figured I posted one of our trash, and this one ties or beats it. Stupid living with 12 guys...

So, that's pretty much it. I'm done with class for the WEEK tomorrow morning, so who knows what I'm gonna do. We'll find out...
Published Saturday, September 24, 2005 by dave. 
So, I have not one, but TWO pictures with me in it! Crazy...
This morning we all had to get up and get ready for our bus to leave at 8am. We all piled onto the busses and made our way to Stonehenge getting some very useful information along the way. I'm going to assume most of you know what Stonehenge is...as I explained it to the one person who didn't... After getting there we had an hour to walk around the stones. This probably wasn't the best thing as I now have way too many pictures of some rocks. As cool as they are, there's only so many times you can look at them. Here's pic numero uno of me with Adam, one of my flatmates:

Moving on, we got back on to the road and headed over to Bath. Now Bath was a town created by the Romans in 43 A.D. during their occupation of England. Some naturally occuring hot springs provided some very mineral rich water for bathing. Apparently the water just coming up now is 15,000 years old, as it has to pass through quite some distance of rock, picking up minerals along the way. So the main outdoor spring looks pretty nasty, but had some cool steam coming off of the steady water. And it was warm.
After walking around the baths for a while, we decided to branch out and check out the city as we had another 2 hours. There were some cool churches, nice shops, and a square where crazy musicians practiced their art. So, this would be the second picture of me and Leyna:

Then came the two hour bus ride back to London through some nice country side. Getting back, I discovered that my gym was closed...so I just did the fat lazy American thing and cooked a bunch of pasta. Oh well...fun day, but homework comes now...
Published Friday, September 23, 2005 by dave. 

Right, so last night we went to the opening premiere of Revolver, which is the new Guy Ritchie film. It was REALLY good, however you walk out feeling like you just got mind-fucked. A lot of reviewers haven't like it, which I think is strange. Sure, it was really hard to follow, but not impossible. Guy even said it was a thinking mans movie, so going into it knowing that, I was paying more attention than I usually would. I'm not sure if it's out in the US yet, but I would recommend it if you're prepared for it. The main actor (Lock Stock, Snatch, Transporter) is awesome as usual, and there's a really good scene which is kinda like when Gollum is having a conversation with himself and the cinematography is sweet. But yea, go see it.
Anyways, tomorrow is Stonehenge, which will be loads of fun. We're also stopping at Bath, so that should be cool as well. If I post any pics up at my
DeviantArt site, I'll let ya'll know. I probably will as I'm hoping to take at least ONE good pic tomorrow...I hope. It's been a while tho...
Published Tuesday, September 20, 2005 by dave. 
While reading Sarah's livejournal, there was a quiz...and I of course had to do it. So, here's how you make me:
How to make a dave |
3 parts intelligence
1 part silliness
5 parts instinct |
Method: Add to a cocktail shaker and mix vigorously. Add a little lovability if desired! |
There ya go...that is all for now...
Published Monday, September 19, 2005 by dave. 
So today was a pretty nice Monday. It started out by getting to go get a tour of the Chelsea Football Club stadium. For my international marketing class, we’re doing projects where we pick some company around London and do a presentation about them. The whole class then gets to go for free. One group chose Chelsea. Chelsea of course being a really good football team over here in London, so that was fun. I totally forgot my camera, or well I remembered it too late, so I could only get this shot with my phone:

On the cool tour where we got to see the dressing rooms, press box, press conference room where they did all their signings (for lots of money), and other interesting things. When we came out of the dressing rooms, they have this sound effect play to make it seem like the stadium is full and we walked out towards the pitch. It was awesome.
After the tour, nothing too amazing happened. Went into the city with a friend to walk around, came back, had a class, and grabbed some food. We went to this Indian restaurant, and I’m rather embarrassed to say that we have been 0 for 2 on good Indian restaurants. The food is usually good, but the service sucks BALLS! AND it’s expensive to boot. Stupid living in the posh area of London…I think everyone around here just hates Americans…
That’s all for now, I have to get some rest before my group’s presentation tomorrow!
Published Saturday, September 17, 2005 by dave. 
This is why Europe is awesome:

Drinking on the underground...you knew it had to happen sooner or later. This was on our way to the city to go to a club. It wasn't the best club...but it wasn't terrible. I tried to get the hottest girls there to dance, but they just spoke some German gibberish and I walked away. Stupid language barrier...
Published Friday, September 16, 2005 by dave. 
So I was laying in bed last night, thinking about stuff. I'm in my third religion class while I'm over here, and so are a ton of other people. Having this kind of class makes people think about God and faith on a more daily basis than they might otherwise. Now, I know that not everyone is religious, like some of my roommates, but it sparks some interesting conversation.
Anyways, I was thinking about how blessed we all are to be here. Whenever I'm just sitting around, I feel like I'm wasting a gift that was given to me. I'm here for a reason, and I don't think that reason is to sit around on my ass reading about what other cool things are going on in the world. There's so many other more productive things I could be doing, even if it means doing homework.
Just my random musing for...yesterday...
Published Tuesday, September 13, 2005 by dave. 
As requested, here's a pic that actually has me in it...not a creepy lady. This is two of my roommates before going into our first lecture. Coming out, we were not all smiles. It was a very boring class...
I'll get a better one soon, like in front of something more interesting than Imperial College, but for now this will do.
Going abroad again has allowed me to think about some things that came up when I went away in high school. Back then, I wasn't missing that much. Junior year of high school isn't the most exciting year, so I didn't think too much about missing it. However, when I left for this trip, there are a ton more things that I'm missing. Friends are back in CF training waiting for their residents to move in, my business partners are back in the states, and other various things that are sticking with me more than before. I'm not letting them stop me from having a good time, but it's just interesting how different this time around is.
I love talking to everyone here about where they're going to go. Having already traveled around europe, I really want to take this time to experience working in London like all the other Londoners. Now, that'll probably change once Jonny gets over here and we'll jet all around Europe, but for now, it's London for me.
Anyway, here's a funny pic of a woman who lives on the other side of the road from us. She's always peering out of her window over at our loud house. It's quite funny:
Published Friday, September 09, 2005 by dave. 
This is what happens when you live with 11 other guys:

Anyways, the play was cool tonight, even though I had already seen it. It's always good to talk to others who had just seen it for the first time. This weekend is gonna be a quiet one for me most likely. But good.
Published Thursday, September 08, 2005 by dave. 
So yesterday I didn't have any class. I took that opportunity to go into the city and check out the Tate Modern. It's a pretty cool museum right along the Thames. Here's a nice little view of the cloudy skies of London:

After finishing in the city, we came back and had a little group BBQ for everyone in the program. Had some weird tasting burgers, and some beer. After that we invaded a pub and watched the England v. Northern Ireland football game. England lost...not cool...
Other than that yesterday was a pretty chill day. Today I have class at 2, then going to a play. Should be fun.
Published Tuesday, September 06, 2005 by dave. 
Hmmm...I really need to take some more pictures. Here's another one I snapped of our kitchen/living room:

But yeah, I should have plenty of time for that tomorrow when I don't have classes! MWaahahahhaha! I just had to rub that in. One of these days I'll get one with me in it, but for now, I'm behind the camera.
So, nothing too exciting happened today. Well, sorta, we have lights in our bathrooms again. They've been out since Saturday I think. So now we don't have to prop the door open when showering and what not. That's gonna be weird...but good.
Lets see, played some soccer today. First time I had played since fracturing/tearing a ligament. Felt awesome, we played up in Hyde Park and got a little pickup game going. We got another game tomorrow, so this will help me get in shape. Not that it's going to be hard, considering I'm walking everywhere, have to go up 4 flights of stairs to get to my room, and am not eating as much as I did before. Stupid expensive food...
Still no wireless in my room...they're reallllllly slow! It's pissing me off, as I have to walk for 10 minutes to check my email. Oh well, soon right? It better be soon...
All for now.
Published Monday, September 05, 2005 by dave. 
So seeings how my computer will soon be registered so I can get online from my room, I'm pretty happy right now. And I just got off the phone with a friend back home, which is always good. But, I'm still stuck in this 120 degree room to use the internet for now. It's been really warm in London strangely, but we had a thunderstorm last night, so that cooled it off a little.
Today was the first day of classes, which proved that it will be an interesting quarter. One of my classes is only monday and tuesday mornings, so that will be quite nice. We're also only meeting 9 more times until it's over, so thats CRAZY fast. Again, awesome. I still have no idea what my internship is going to be, either this means they can't find one for me, or they're taking their sweet time in getting me a half-way decent one.
No recent pictures for this post, but here's a cool little sunset over my gate in Detroit before I left. Snapped it getting onto the plane.
Published Sunday, September 04, 2005 by dave. 

Here's a little something I typed up a few nights ago, to give you an update, as well as two pictures of my place:
So, I’ve finally arrived at my place in London. It feels really weird and really cool to be back. Unfortunately, the IT guys wouldn’t add my computer to the wireless network until Monday, which is probably when this will be posted. So that’s kinda frustrating. But, I’ll survive.
So as I was flying over, I had some time to think about why I was feeling the way I was. I really could not wait to go over and spend three months in Europe without parents. But as the day approached, it was weird. I wasn’t as excited about it. My friends back at Santa Clara were starting their CF training again, which as much as it sucked, I would have loved to go do it again. Then, Michigan wasn’t nearly as bad as I remembered it, and it was great to catch up with friends I hadn’t seen in 8 months.
But, now I’m here. People are arriving, and I can tell it’s gonna be an awesome time. Our flat is crazy, we have 10 guys sharing 4 rooms, 2 bathrooms, and a kitchen. Yah, good times.
Of course, for our first night here, we’re goin out to enjoy the London night life.
Published Friday, September 02, 2005 by dave. 
Well, I made it to London finally. This is gonna be a really short message as I'm in a computer lab, because IT is lazy and won't put me on the wireless system until MONDAY!! Crazy brits...
But yeah, I'm here and all that, and I have a post to go up as soon as my laptop is authenticated. Soooo...come back!